Get to know project results and all other materials of the Erasmus+ Partnership Inclusion is On.
One remarkable means to promote social inclusion is to foster the sense of belonging of marginalized groups. Specifically for young people, free-time activities are an important part of their life, but they also play a crucial role in personal development, fostering creativity and building social connections. Thus, creating spaces for all kind of youth to participate in different kinds of free-time activities of their liking is essential to improve their sense of belonging and so levels of social inclusion.
The aim of the Erasmus+ partnership Inclusion is On, implemented in 2021-2024 by seven organizations from six European countries, was to share good practices and innovate new tools to promote social inclusion especially in the context of youth free-time activities. The project results and materials, all of them collected on this page, are targeted especially for youth workers or other adults working in the field of youth free-time activities, but also freely available to use by anyone interested in the topic.
Project outputs
Tool pack
The tool pack is a collection of good practices, tools and tips to foster social inclusion in youth free-time activities, collected and/or created during the project:
Inclusion is On: Collection of Good Practices and Tools to Foster Social Inclusion in Youth Free-Time Activities
Additional materials:
The Doors Are Open for Everyone! A guide to diversity, equality and inclusion at the Finnish Youth Association
Innovation model
The innovation model is a set of methods offering a systematic approach and structured framework to problem-solving. It can be used to create one’s own tools to promote social inclusion and accessibility. The model consists of four phases employing a collaborative working approach and ideally leveraging real data from beneficiaries. It is possible to be used as a whole or the steps can be applied separately to different needs. The model can also be applied to other topics. The innovation model is available in several languages:
IncOn: Innovation Model in English
IncOn: Innovation Model in Finnish
IncOn: Innovation Model in Estonian
IncOn: Innovation Model in Czech
IncOn: Innovation Model in Italian
IncOn: Innovation Model in Hungarian
IncOn: Innovation model in Croatian
Podcast series
Inclusion is not an illusion is a podcast series covering the main topics of the IncOn project and gained experiences by the partner organizations. The series contains four episodes and it’s available in Spotify:
Inclusion is Not an Illusion (Spotify)
Materials from the international final seminar
Materials from the final seminar presentation held in Italy in January 2024:
IncOn: Final Seminar Presentation in English
Materials for the youth workers’ training model
The training model consists of several parts based on the contents of the tool pack produced as a part of the Inclusion is On project. The different parts of the training model can be applied separately or together to create a training based on the preferences and time available. The model is suitable for both face-to-face and online trainings and it provides facilitation instructions for each part. The youth worker’s training model is available in several languages:
IncOn: Youth Workers Training Model in English
IncOn: Youth Workers Training Model in Finnish
IncOn: Youth Workers Training Model in Estonian
IncOn: Youth Workers Training Model in Czech
IncOn: Youth Workers Training Model in Italian
IncOn: Youth Workers Training Model in Hungarian
IncOn: Youth Workers Training Model in Croatian
Training model broadcast AI-facilitated in English (YouTube)
Good practices and tools:
Inclusion is On: Good Practices and Tools in English
Short versions (posters)/good practices and tools by the partner organizations:
IncOn: Good Practice Poster / Youth Academy
IncOn: Good Practice Poster / the Finnish Youth Association
IncOn: Tool Poster / the Finnish Youth Association
IncOn: Good Practice Poster / Tartu Youth Work Center
Video: Esmatähtsad reeglid suhtlemisel kurdi või vaegkuuljaga
IncOn: Tool Poster / Tartu Youth Work Center
IncOn: Good Practice Poster / Radio R
IncOn: Tool Poster / Radio R
IncOn: Good Practice Poster / Le Discipline
IncOn: Tool Poster / Le Discipline
IncOn: Good Practice Poster / GYIÖT
IncOn: Tool Poster / GYIÖT

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.