Gamified and Digital Methods for Youth Participation
The GameIN project aims to explore and pilot digital and gamified methods that promote youth participation.
As traditional methods of participation, such as political parties, wane in appeal particularly among youth, there is a pressing need for innovative approaches to avert a crisis of democracy. This project revitalizes and amplifies youth involvement across Europe.
The main project activities include:
- mapping out digital and gamified participation methods and publishing the findings,
- piloting and refining the most promising methods with youth in different European countries in real life situations,
- visualizing and gathering the methods into an accessible online method bank service including AI-assistance,
- disseminating the online method bank and encouraging organizations and youth workers to use the tried and tested innovative participation methods.
The main results include:
- 25 piloted, evaluated and refined methods for digital and gamified youth participation and inclusion
- An advanced, AI supported online method bank and service
- Guidelines to utilise new methodology in co-operating and co-creating with the youth in Europe
- Creation of a network of organizations utilizing digital and gamified participation tools
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (KA220-YOU) and involves partner organizations from five countries. The project is implemented in 2024–2026.
Partner organizations:

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More information:
Mikko Sääskilahti
Development Manager
+358 40 029 7820