How did the Restoration Academy’s camp at the Archipelago Sea Nature Park look like? Watch the newly released video!
During the camp, held at the end of last spring at the Archipelago Sea Nature Park in southern Finland, young people from all over Europe had the opportunity to experience Finnish nature through nature restoration. Over the four days of the camp, we explored different types of habitats under restoration in the area, learned about different kinds of restoration methods and the significance of restoring nature from experts. Of course, we also got our own hands dirty: activities at the camp included, for example, sawing spruce, birch, and juniper trees as well as raking leaves (to be burnt later).
Watch the video from the camp to learn more:
The video is available with subtitles in English and in the project partner countries’ main languages (Finnish, Greek, Slovak, Dutch). All language versions of the video can be found on Youth Academy’s YouTube channel.
Read more about the Restoration Academy project:
Project page: Restoration Academy (Erasmus+ KA220-YOU)
Restoration Academy: Project Results and Materials

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