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Restoration Academy: Project Results and Materials

Get to know project results and other materials of the Erasmus+ Partnership Restoration Academy: Empowering Youth Participation in Nature Restoration. The project is ongoing until end of summer 2026.

Transnational report

The report puts together insights from desk research, country-specific investigations, and survey outcomes across partner countries—Greece, Finland, the Netherlands, and Slovakia. The primary objective is to illuminate the gaps and challenges prevalent in nature-based environmental education within project countries and the broader European Union context. The document is aimed to youth workers or any professionals interested in using nature restoration as a means for nature-based environmental education.

Transnational report in English
Infographic on the survey for youth workers

Good Practices

The good practices presented below constitute bright examples of nature-based and nature restoration activities that can spark inspiration among youth professionals in EU countries by measuring and assessing them according to specific criteria. Complementing the desk research conducted in all four participating countries and combined with the rest of the upcoming educational material (operations model, tool pack and demonstration videos), the good practice brochures can prove useful to young people and youth workers interested in or already implementing nature restoration and nature-based environmental activities to further enrich their ideas or practices and upgrade them.

Brochure in English
Brochure in Finnish
Brochure in Slovak
Brochure in Dutch
Brochure in Greek

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.